quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2012

Day 4 on Tim Ferriss diet

Hi Guys!

Today I weight myself and I already lost 1 kg (2.2 lbs) since Friday (so 5 days) . I started on Sunday. But I will put in the blog (on the right column) the weight of Fridays to me more regular.

This diet reminds me of the Margaret Thatcher diet I did many years ago, see it here .The main difference I think its the beans :P , she could even drink alcohol like Tim. Funny.

I was wondering, doesn't the wine has fructose because of the grapes? I wish I could drink a bit of Pepsi, I am not a big fan of wine, but I love a small glass of Pepsi before dinner.

Different tastes! :)

Pic from here

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  • 2 fried eggs + 1 small tomato seasoned with oregano and olive oil
  • Burger
  • Kidney Beans
  • Smashed Brocolis 
  • Brazilian nuts
  • Shrimps
  • Chick Peas with Parsley and Olive oil (Portuguese recipe)
  • Tomato salad with olive oil, Fresh Coriander, bit of Onions and Rocket 
After Dinner:
  • 2 Almonds

terça-feira, 10 de julho de 2012

Day 3 on Tim Ferriss Diet

Hi Guys!

I hope you are going fine with your diet. Its been really great since I don't fell any hungry.

I have a bit of a doubt about tomatoes and lemons. 

Tim wrote in the book about tomatoes, but I am afraid lemons are included in fruit. I suspect they have a bit of fructose. 

According to this it has about 2 gr of sugar(of total 9) for 100gr. I used just some drops on the Picco de Gallo, but I have to investigate more if its ok or no. 

About the tomato it has less than lemon (3 gr) I think is ok to eat more that 1 per day. 

The thing about lemon is that I read some articles about monossodium glutamate (that increases the appetite in 40%) and one of the hidden names that is mentioned for msg is citric acid. Its not really the same thing but it make me think.


  • 2 eggs + 1 white egg (all scrambled with olive oil and salt)
  • beans
  • Salmon (110 gr)
  • Chick Peas (80 gr)
  • Smashed Brocolis (150 gr)
  • Xalnuts and brazilian nuts
  • A bit of smashed Asparagus that was left from yesterday

  • Beef with tomato, onions and olive oil
  • Smashed Brocolis
  • kidney beans
After Dinner:

segunda-feira, 9 de julho de 2012

Day 2 of Tim Ferriss Diet

Yesterday went ok, no cravings.

Todays Menu:

  • 2 eggs + 1 white egg (all scrambled with olive oil and salt)
  • 50 gr of cottage cheese
  • green onions
Mid morning:

1 brazilian nut and tea

  • Kidney beans (170gr)
  • Chicken breast (in a pan with garlic, olive oil and salt)
  • walnuts and brazilian nuts

  • Picco de Galo
  • homemade burger
  • kidney beans
After Dinner:
  • Cottage cheese (about 20gr ) with green onions

domingo, 8 de julho de 2012

Day 1 of Tim Ferriss Diet


I am a girl starting this diet today( I am not a native english so please don't pay attention to the grammatical errors :P). 

My weight is 141,97 pounds (64,4 kg).

I am still reading the book (I probably read half of it) but there are a lot of things I agree with him and others that made me really curious, specially that part of the experiment with 90% fat calories and people lose weight. 

I am kind of like him, because in my quest for the perfect diet I did a lot of experiments ( not has much as he did :P ) and research ( basically I ask thin people what they eat for breakfast , lol ).

  • 2 large scrambled eggs made with olive oil and salt (17gr of protein)
  • 50 gr of cottage cheese (5 gr)
  • 2 slices of tomato
  • 1 decaff expresso (no sugar or sweetener )
Mid morning:
  • 5 walnuts
  • Chicken (100 gr) in a pan with olive oil,butter and some herbs, salt 
  • Green onions
  • Rocket
  • Chickpeas (100 gr)

I drink a lot of Jasmine tea during the day


  • mashed asparagus (250gr)
  • salmon (in a pan with a bit of olive oil and oregano)

After Dinner:

  •  1 brazilian nut
  • 20 gr of cottage cheese with green onions.