terça-feira, 10 de julho de 2012

Day 3 on Tim Ferriss Diet

Hi Guys!

I hope you are going fine with your diet. Its been really great since I don't fell any hungry.

I have a bit of a doubt about tomatoes and lemons. 

Tim wrote in the book about tomatoes, but I am afraid lemons are included in fruit. I suspect they have a bit of fructose. 

According to this it has about 2 gr of sugar(of total 9) for 100gr. I used just some drops on the Picco de Gallo, but I have to investigate more if its ok or no. 

About the tomato it has less than lemon (3 gr) I think is ok to eat more that 1 per day. 

The thing about lemon is that I read some articles about monossodium glutamate (that increases the appetite in 40%) and one of the hidden names that is mentioned for msg is citric acid. Its not really the same thing but it make me think.


  • 2 eggs + 1 white egg (all scrambled with olive oil and salt)
  • beans
  • Salmon (110 gr)
  • Chick Peas (80 gr)
  • Smashed Brocolis (150 gr)
  • Xalnuts and brazilian nuts
  • A bit of smashed Asparagus that was left from yesterday

  • Beef with tomato, onions and olive oil
  • Smashed Brocolis
  • kidney beans
After Dinner:

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